Phonetically Based Consonant Cluster Acquisition Model

음성학을 토대로 한 자음군 습득 모형

  • Kwon, Bo-Young (Faculty of Foreign Languages, Daegu Haany University)
  • 권보영 (대구한의대학교 외국어문학부)
  • Published : 2007.05.18


Second language learners' variable degree of production difficulty according to the cluster type has previously been accounted for in terms of sonority distance between adjacent segments. As an alternative to this previous model, I propose a Phonetically Based Consonant Cluster Acquisition Model (PCCAM) in which consonant cluster markedness is defined based on the articulatory and perceptual factors associated with each consonant sequence. The validity of PCCAM has been tested through Korean speakers' production of English consonant clusters.
