Fast ab/adduction Rate of Articulation Valves in Normal Adults

정상 성인의 조음밸브에 대한 내${\cdot}$외전 비율

  • Park, Hee-Jun (Department of Speech Language Pathology, Pusan National University Hospital) ;
  • Han, Ji-Yeon (Department of Speech Language Pathology, Daegu University)
  • 박희준 (부산대학교병원 이비인후과 언어치료실) ;
  • 한지연 (대구대학교 언어치료학과)
  • Published : 2007.05.18


This study was designed to investigate fast ab/adduction rate of articulation valves in normal adults. The measurement of fast ab/aduction rate has traditionally been used for assessment, diagnosis and therapy in patients who suffered from dysarthria, functional articulation disorders or apraxia of speech. Fast ab/adduction rate shows the documented structural and physiological changes in the central nervous system and the peripheral components of oral and speech production mechanism. Fast ab/adduction rates were obtained from 20 normal subjects by producing the repetition of vocal function (/ihi/), tongue function (/t${\wedge}$/), velopharyngeal function (/m/), and labial function (/p${\wedge}$/). The Aerophone II was used for data recording. The results of finding as follows: average fast ab/adduction rates were vocal function(6.21cps), tongue function(7.42cps), velopharyngeal function(5.23cps), labial function (6.93cps). The results of this study are guidelines of normal diadochokinetic rates. In addition, they can indicate the severity of diseases and evaluation of treatment.
