Comparison of Stuttering Self-Rating Scales in Adults with Stuttering

유창성장애 성인의 주관적 말더듬 평가도구들의 비교

  • Kim, Jae-Ock (Shin's Speech-Language Clinic, The Institute of Lopedics and Phoniatrics, Yonsei Unviersity) ;
  • Shin, Moon-Ja (Shin's Speech-Language Clinic)
  • 김재옥 (신 언어임상연구소, 연세대학교 음성언어의학연구소) ;
  • 신문자 (신 언어임상연구소)
  • Published : 2007.05.18


This study was designed to compare the self-rating scales (SSS, S-24, P-FA, and PSI) translated into Korean in adults with stuttering. Eighteen adults with stuttering were participated. Each scale was divided into two sub-categories, avoidance and locus of control. The correlations among the scales and among the sub-categories were evaluated. Objective stuttering severity and self-rated stuttering severity were compared. Results indicated that those scales were significantly correlated. Total score in each scale and each sub-category were also significantly correlated. There were no significant differences in total score nor subjective stuttering severity with objective stuttering severity. The self-rating scales in adults with stuttering currently used in clinics and research areas in Korea are suitable tools that adults with stuttering can evaluate the characteristics of and attitudes for stuttering subjectively.
