- 2008.05a
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- Pages.312-313
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- 2008
Molecular Cloning of a gene encoding ${\beta}$ -amyrin Synthase from Polygala tenuifolia
원지로부터 베타 아미린 합성 유전자 분리
- Kim, Ok-Tae (Ginseng and Medicinal Plant Research Institute, NICS, RDA) ;
- Bang, Kyong-Hwan (Ginseng and Medicinal Plant Research Institute, NICS, RDA) ;
- Kim, Young-Chang (Ginseng and Medicinal Plant Research Institute, NICS, RDA) ;
- Shin, Yu-Su (Ginseng and Medicinal Plant Research Institute, NICS, RDA) ;
- Hyun, Dong-Yun (Ginseng and Medicinal Plant Research Institute, NICS, RDA) ;
- Cha, Seon-Woo (Ginseng and Medicinal Plant Research Institute, NICS, RDA)
- 김옥태 (작물과학원 인삼약초연구소) ;
- 방경환 (작물과학원 인삼약초연구소) ;
- 신유수 (작물과학원 인삼약초연구소) ;
- 김영창 (작물과학원 인삼약초연구소) ;
- 현동윤 (작물과학원 인삼약초연구소) ;
- 차선우 (작물과학원 인삼약초연구소)
- Published : 2008.05.08