An Optimal Conjunctive Operation of Water Transmission Systems from Multiple Sources with applying EPAnet and KModSim Model

KModSim 모형(模型)에 의한 도시지역(都市地域) 다중수원(多衆水源) 송수관망간(送水管網間) 최적(最適) 연계(連繫) 운영(運營) 연구(硏究)

  • 류태상 (한국수자원공사 경남지역본부 거제수도서비스센터팀) ;
  • 정태성 (국립방재연구소) ;
  • 고익환 (한국수자원공사 수자원연구원) ;
  • 하성룡 (충북대학교 도시공학과)
  • Published : 2008.05.22


The objective of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of using an optimization model as a effective way to search conjunctive operation scheme to meet two conditions; one is to minimize the electric cost for pumping and another is to meet the water demand for satisfying customers. The feasibility is confirmed as comparing the best combinations of pumps between multi-regional water supply networks from multiple sources which are obtained through an optimization modeling and EPAnet modeling. KModsim model, a network optimization model, was used to determine conjunctive operation scheme in the pipe system. KModsim, based on Lagrangian Relaxation algorithm, is useful for modeling network system and obtaining simultaneously pump combination and water allocation with given input option such as energy unit cost supplying from a source into a consumer, operating pumping combination. This study develops the procedure of determining optimal conjunctive operation scheme with using KModsim model. As a study region, the water supplying systems of the Geojae-city in the Geongsang Namdo Province was selected and investigated. The EPAnet hydraulic simulation result(Ryu et al, 2007, KSWW) gave input data for optimization model; energy unit price(won/$m^3$), water service available area etc.. It was assured that the combination of pump operation through optimum conjunctive operation is to be optimum scheme to obtain the best economic water allocation with comparison to the hydraulic simulation result such as electric cost and pump combination cases. The results obtained through the study are as follows. First, It was found that a well-allocated water supply scheme, the best combination of pump operation through optimum joint operation, promises to save the electric cost and satisfy all operational goals such as stability and revenues during the period. Second, an application of KModSim, a network model, gave the amount of water allocation from each source to a consumer with consideration of economic supply. Finally, in a service area available to supply through conjunctive operation of existing inter-regional water supply networks within short distance, a conjunctive operation is useful for determining each transmission pipeline's service area and maximizing the effectiveness of optimizations in pumping operation time.
