태양열 발전에서 태양열에너지 수송을 위한 고온 축열 물질의 열절달 특성

Heat Transfer Characteristics of High Temperature molten salt storage for Solar Thermal Power Generation

  • ;
  • 김기만 (성균관대학교) ;
  • 강용혁 (한국에너지기술연구원) ;
  • 한귀영 (성균관대학교)
  • Mao, Aiming ;
  • Kim, Ki-Man ;
  • Kang, Yong-Heack ;
  • Han, Gui-Young
  • 발행 : 2008.05.22


The heat transfer characteristics of molten salt storage system for the solar thermal power generation were investigated. Temperature profiles and the heat transfer coefficients during the storage and discharge stage were obtained with the steam as the heat transfer fluid. Two kinds of inorganic salt were employed as the storage materials and coil type of heat exchanger were installed in both tanks to provide the heat transfer surfaces during the storage and discharge stage. The effects of steam flow rates, flow direction of steam in the storage tank and the initial temperature of storage and discharge tank on the heat transfer were tested.
