해안매립 신도시의 재해 예방관리 네트워크 비젼

Network vision of disaster prevention management for seashore reclaimed u-City

  • 안상로 (한국시설안전공단 연구단)
  • Ahn, Sang-Ro (Principal investgator of research center, KISTEC)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.25


This paper studied the safety management network system of infrastructure which constructed smart sensors, closed-circuit television(CCTV) and monitoring system. This safety management of infrastructure applied to bridge, cut slop and tunnel, embankment etc. The system applied to technologies of standardization guidelines, data acquirement technologies, data analysis and judgment technologies, system integration setup technology, and IT technologies. It was constructed safety management network system of various infrastructure to improve efficient management and operation for many infrastructure. Integrated safety management network system of infrastructure consisted of the real-time structural health monitoring system of each infrastructure, integrated control center, measured data transmission using i of tet web-based, collecting data using sf ver, early alarm system which the dangerous event of infrastructure occurred. Integrated control center consisted of conference room, control room to manage and analysis the data, server room to present the measured data and to collect the raw data. Early alarm system proposed realization of warning and response within 5 minute or less through development of sensor-based progress report and propagation automation system using the media such as MMS, VMS, EMS, FMS, SMS and web services of report and propagation. Based on this, the most effective u-Infrastructure Safety Management System is expected to be stably established at a less cost, thus making people's life more comfortable. Information obtained from such systems could be useful for maintenance or structural safety evaluation of existing structures, rapid evaluation of conditions of damaged structures after an earthquake, estimation of residual life of structures, repair and retrofitting of structures, maintenance, management or rehabilitation of historical structures.
