Approximate solution for a building installed with a friction damper : revisited and new result

마찰감쇠기가 설치된 건물 응답의 근사해 : 재 고찰 및 새로운 결과

  • Published : 2009.10.29


Approximate analysis for a building installed with a friction damper is revisited to get insight of its dynamic behavior. Energy balance equation is used to have a closed analytical form solution of dynamic magnification factor (DMF) for the building with combined viscous and friction damping. It is found out that DMF is dependent on friction force ratio and resonance frequency. Linear transfer function from input external force to output building displacement is obtained by simplifying DMF equation. Root mean square of building displacement is derived under earthquake-like random excitation. Finally, design of friction damper is proposed by processing target control ratio, damping ratio factor, and friction force in sequence.
