Application System for National Wind Map KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$

국가바람지도 활용시스템 KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$

  • 김현구 (한국에너지기술연구원 풍력발전연구단) ;
  • 강용혁 (한국에너지기술연구원 신재생에너지부) ;
  • 이화운 (부산대학교 대기과학과) ;
  • 정우식 (인제대학교 대기환경정보학과)
  • Published : 2009.06.25


The national wind map of South Korea has been established as a core data to support national strategy building and promotion of wind energy dissemination. The national wind map has been made by numerical wind simulation with the spatial resolution of 1 km horizontal, 10m vertical and temporal resolution of 1 hour interval for 5 years period (2003-2007). Therefore, an application system linked with the national wind map named KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$ is being developed to be used by the government, local government, developers and researchers. We introduce the current status of the application system and the future development plans.
