태양광 발전 시스템의 시공간적 잠재성 평가 소프트웨어 개발

Assessment of Distributed and Dynamic Potential of Photovoltaic Systems in Urban Areas

  • 발행 : 2011.11.16


This study presents a new method for coupling ArcGIS (popular GIS software) with TRaNsient SYstems Simulation (TRNSYS, reference software for researchers and engineers around the world) to use capabilities of the 4 and 5-parameter PV array performance models within the ArcGIS environment. Using the validated and industry-proven solar energy simulation models implemented in TRNSYS and other built-in ArcGIS functionalities, dynamic characteristics of distributed PV potential in terms of hourly, daily or monthly power outputs can be investigated with considerations of diverse options in selecting and mounting PV panels. In addition, the proposed method allows users to complete entire procedures in a single framework (i.e., a preliminary site survey using 3D building models, shading analyses to investigate usable rooftop areas with considerations of different sizes and shapes of buildings, dynamic energy simulation to examine the performances of various PV systems, visualization of the simulation results to understand spatially and temporally distributed patterns of PV potential). Therefore tedious tasks for data conversion among multiple softwares can be significantly reduced or eliminated. While the programming environment of TRNSYS is proprietary, the redistributable executable, simulation kernel and simulation engine of TRNSYS can be freely distributed to end-users. Therefore, GIS users who do not have a license of TRNSYS can also use the functionalities of solar energy simulation models within ArcGIS.
