플로팅 슬래브 궤도의 최대길이

Maximum Slab Length of Floating Slab Track

  • ;
  • 장승엽 (한국철도기술연구원, 초고속열차연구실) ;
  • 정원석 (경희대학교, 토목공학과)
  • 발행 : 2011.05.26


Recently, many railway stations are built under the railway line in urban area. The passage of railway vehicles generates mechanical vibrations of a wide range of frequency. Thus, it is required to place structural vibration isolation systems to reduce vibration and noise originating from surrounding environments. This study is to investigate the maximum floating slab length based on track/floating slab interaction analyses. Actions to be taken into account include temperature, braking/acceleration, bending of the deck, and creep/shrinkage. The additional rail stress has been chosen for the criterion for the maximum slab length. In addition, further analyses are performed to include the stopper which restrict the in-plane movement of the floating slab track. Several alternatives for stopper positions were thoroughly studied in this study.
