분산전원이 도입된 배전계통에 초전도전류제한기 적용에 따른 보호기기 동작분석

Analysis on operation of Protective Equipment According to Application of SFCL in a Power Distribution System

  • 발행 : 2011.07.20


This paper analysed a protective equipment in power distribution system linked distribution power system when a superconducting fault current limiter(SFCL) is installed. This paper focused on a recloser, because the recloser is a general protective equipment. When power distribution system linked distribution power system, a fault current is increased by adding fault current of distribution power system. The increased fault current makes many problems. But SFCLs are limiting fault current and help the protective equipment to operate normal process. We analysed the operation of protective equipment in power distribution system linked distribution power system with SFCLs.
