154kV 콤팩트 변전소 표준모델 개발 및 실증

Development and Construction of 154kV Compact Substation Standard Model

  • 발행 : 2011.07.20


Before 1970s, 154kV substations in Korea were built in outdoor steel structure types only. In early 1970s, Germany developed GIS and the first indoor GIS type substation was built in Korea in 1980. In 1998, 154kV indoor type substations were standardized into regular type and urban type which applied steel frames to structures. In 2002, this was re-standardized into five different types in detail. In 2009, 154kV compact substation design was developed and standardized and saved about 20% of the construction cost with new technology and methods. Compact substations were classified into three types ; urban type, multi-function type, and regular type. The first urban type compact substation, Jang-ki substation, was built in Kimpo in June, 2010. This paper would present the standard model of 154kV compact substation and the way of improving facilities for the first compact substation.
