Case Study for Developing of Standard Process about Defect Consulting Work in Apartment Building

공동주택 하자감정업무 표준절차개발을 위한 사례분석

  • 박준모 (충북대학교 건설기술연구소) ;
  • 서덕석 (한라대학교 건축학부)
  • Published : 2014.05.29


There is urgent for defect consulting work to standardize the investigated method, repaired and reinforced method, and estimated cost about defect in increasing a defect lawsuit of apartment building. For the purpose of developing the standard process of defect consulting work, the review that a used process in law and institution should take precedence. There is not prepared the national standard for defect consulting but is dependent on an experience and a practice of consultants. This study analyzes defect consulting case, defines main steps for developing the standard process, and draws phased work factors. As systemizing this, it is expected to apply to basic structure for developing the standard process of defect consulting work for the next.
