복합발전 계통연계 시 보상장치 필요성 분석을 위한 거리에 따른 무효전력 민감성 분석

A sensitivity analysis about reactive power according to the interconnection distance of wave-offshore hybrid generation system

  • 발행 : 2015.07.15


The designed hybrid generation system (HGS) not only consider the voltage condition of grid connection point but also do reactive power support according to the transmission system operator's directions. The PCS operation plan in HGS should be supported by precise transferred quantity expectation about reactive power because the system has large physical areas and also be interconnected with grid through long transmission system. Therefore, the realistic measuring process about transferred reactive power quantity by utilizing HGS is required to consider additional compensation plan. In this paper, an reactive power transferred capability of HGS with expected parameter is analyzed, and imposed to the simulation process that is performed on EMTDC environment. Basically, grid information and system characteristics were utilized with Jeju island in Korea, and the performance analysis is carried out based on the composed layout in ongoing project.
