Priority Derivation of Modular House Cost Reduction Factors through Case Analysis

시공사례 분석을 통한 모듈러 주택 원가절감 우선순위 항목 도출

  • 류국무 (현대엔지니어링 건축사업본부 건축설계실 기술연구소) ;
  • 문예지 (현대엔지니어링 건축사업본부 건축설계실 기술연구소) ;
  • 조병후 (공주대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2016.05.19


Modular construction is attracting attention as the solution of recent problems in construction site. Such as lack of construction workforce, increasing labor costs, work delay due to extreme weather events and strengthening government regulations. However, despite the many advantages, Modular construction has not been activated dueto high construction costs compared to other construction methods. Accordingly, the object of this study is priority derivation of prefabricated house cost reduction factors and use as basic research data. For research performance, we have analyzed the blueprint and bill of quantities of a modular construction based public dormitory which was built in 2013. In result, the proportion of modular construction and on-site construction is 66% and 34%, and the construction cost proportion by activity was devided in to construction(79%), machinery(7%), electricity(5%) and civil(9%). Among these results in order to reduce costs, interior finishing(19.4) steel-frame(16.9%), metal works(13.5%), RC(11.8%), joinery(7.3%) is the order requires focused management.
