A study and implementation of a 30kV highly isolated DC-DC converter

30kV 절연성능을 갖는 고절연 DC-DC 컨버터에 관한 연구

  • 김정우 (건국대학교 전기기계 및 전력전자연구실) ;
  • 부한영 (건국대학교 전기기계 및 전력전자연구실) ;
  • 조영훈 (건국대학교 전기기계 및 전력전자연구실) ;
  • 김호성 (한국전기연구원) ;
  • 김주용 (전력연구원)
  • Published : 2017.07.04


In this paper, a highly isolated DC-DC converter is designed as a power supply, and an insulator-molded transformer is used to achieve high insulation performance. Finally, the insulation performance of the power supply was verified by experimental results.
