A Concept of Probabilistic Maintenance Cost Analysis Considering Risk Factors of Aged Multi-Family Housing

노후 공동주택의 위험요인을 고려한 확률적 유지관리비 분석 개념

  • 박문선 (한국교통대학교 철도건설관리연구실) ;
  • 원서경 (공간종합건축사사무소 건설사업관리부)
  • Published : 2019.05.15


This study was conducted to provide useful information to enable planned repair and cost planning during the operation and maintenance phase of aged multi-family housing. For this purpose, The concept of probabilistic maintenance cost analysis considering the risk factors of the aged multi-family housing is presented in the following six steps. 1. Risk factor investigation and analysis 2. Classification and deriving of maintenance cost 3. Investigation and deriving cost maintenance cost of old apartment house 4. Analysis of expert questionnaire 5. Analysis of Monte -Carlo simulation 6. Probabilistic maintenance cost Deriving the result. This study has limitations that need to be verified by applying actual data.
