블록체인을 활용한 디지털콘텐츠 공유경제 플랫폼(shaRe:port) 설계

Design of shared digital content economic platform (shaRe:port) using blockchain

  • 민연아 (가천대학교 소프트웨어학과) ;
  • 이하림 (가천대학교 소프트웨어학과) ;
  • 박소영 (가천대학교 소프트웨어학과) ;
  • 최인선 (가천대학교 소프트웨어학과) ;
  • 백영태 (김포대학교 멀티미디어과)
  • 발행 : 2019.07.10


This paper proposes partial sharing and trading of digital content as a method of sharing blockchain idurium-based digital content. The platform has three characteristics and aims to improve the existing digital content sales platform. First, it increases the efficiency of sharing and trading through partial sharing and trading systems of digital content. Second, it will be built in the form of blockchain idurium-based smart contracts to ensure the accuracy of transactions. Third, it is possible to analyze the form factor of the comments by improving the grading system.
