Whole Genome Sequencing and Gene Prediction of Cynodon transvaalensis

  • Sol Ji Lee (Department of Crop Science, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Chang soo Kim (Department of Crop Science, Chungnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2022.10.13


Cynodon transvaalensis belongs to the warm-season grasses and is one of the economically and ecologically important crops. Cynodon species with high heterozygosity are difficult to assemble, so genome research has not been actively conducted. In this study, hybrid assembly was performed by sequencing with Illumina and PacBio. As a result of the assembly, the number of scaffolds and the length of N50 were 1,392, 928 kb, respectively. The completeness of the assembly was confirmed by BSUCO at 98.3%. In addition, as a result of estimating the size of the assembled genome by K-mer analysis (k=25), it was approximately ~413 Mb. A total of 37,060 cds sequences were annotated in the assembled genome, and their functions were identified through blast. After that, we try to complete the assembled genome into a pseudochromosome-level genome through Hi-C technology. These results will not only help to understand the complex genome composition of african bermudagrass, but also provide a resource for genomic and evolutionary studies of grass and other plant species.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT, No. 2022R1A2C1004127).