건설폐기물을 활용한 이산화탄소 반응경화 시멘트 제조에 관한 연구

Manufacturing of Calcium Silicate Cement Using Construction Waste

  • 이향선 (한국세라믹기술원, 탄소중립소재센터) ;
  • 손배근 (한국세라믹기술원, 탄소중립소재센터) ;
  • 송훈 (한국세라믹기술원, 탄소중립소재센터)
  • 발행 : 2023.05.17


In the domestic industrial sector, greenhouse gases emitted from the cement industry account for about 10%, with most of them generated during the cement clinker calcination process. During the calcination process, 57% of carbon dioxide is emitted from the decarbonation reaction of limestone, 30% from fuel consumption, and 13% from electricity usage. In response to these issues, the cement industry is making efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by developing technologies for raw material substitution and conversion, improving process efficiency by utilizing low-carbon alternative heat sources, developing CO2 capture and utilization technologies, and recycling waste materials. In addition, due to the limitations in purchasing and storing industrial byproducts generated from industrial facilities, many studies are underway regarding the recycling of construction waste. Therefore, this study analyzes the manufacture of calcium silicate cement (CSC), which can store carbon dioxide as carbonate minerals in industrial facilities, and aims to contribute to the development of environmentally friendly regenerated cement using construction waste.



본 논문은 2023년 산업자원통상부의 연구비지원(RS-2022-00155521)에 의해 수행되었습니다.