건설공사 사후평가결과보고서 표준화 방안

Standardization for Post-Construction Evaluation Report

  • 발행 : 2023.05.17


According to relevant laws, in the case of a construction project with a total construction cost of 30 billion won or more, a post-construction evaluation must be performed after completion. In addition, a post-construction evaluation report must be prepared and entered into the Continuous Acquisition & Life-cycle Support(CALS). As a result of reviewing the currently accumulated post-construction evaluation reports, since the report is not standardized, it is difficult for public project owners to write the report. It also hinders the post-construction evaluation and management center from verifying contents, analyzing data, and deriving meaningful results. In order to improve the convenience of the public owners who must conduct post-construction evaluations and the work efficiency of the center, evaluation factors were standardized and a standard post-construction evaluation report format for road construction was developed in Excel. Through this, the data in the reports will be effectively accumulated, managed, and analyzed, so that meaningful results will be produced and be helpful in future construction work.



본 논문은 2023년 국토교통부 "건설공사 사후평가지원센터 운영사업"의 일환으로 수행된 연구임을 밝히며 이에 감사를 드립니다.