- UN Secretary-General's speech https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/07/1139162
- Food waste generation status https://www.citywaste.or.kr/EgovPageLink.do?link=/ucwmsNew/portal/sysInfo/sysInfo07
- Greenpeace https://www.greenpeace.org/korea/update/24144/
- Yiseul Song, & Heungsoon Kim (2023). Analyzing Urban Environmental Factors that Affect the Urban Cleanliness - A Focus on Seoul -. Seoul Studies, 23(4), 23-37.
- Choi Ji-seon. (2023). A Study on the Residential Environment Improvement Plan Based on Regional Characteristics through the Analysis of Illegal Dumping in Low-rise Residential Areas - A Case Study of Jungnang-gu, Seoul -. Jorunal of Photo Geography ( Sajin Chiri ), 33(1), 135-150.