서울귀룽나무 잎의 배당체에 관한 연구 제1보

  • Published : 1953.01.01


The leaves of prunus padus L. var. Seoulensis Nakai distributed widely in Korea, were extracted with boiling alcohol(95%) after being mixed with calcium carbonate. The aqueous solution distilled off alcohol from the above filtered extract under the reduced pressure was evaporated to the dryness. The residue was extracted with acetic ether on the water-bath and the acetic ether solution extract was allowed to stand for a weck after removing out of acetic ether almostly, then a colorless necdles were Crystalized out which has the following characteristics : $C_{14}$ $H_{17}$ $O_{6}$ N, began to melt at 138-139.deg. bitter taste [.alpha.]$_$ $D^{20}$ ]=-26.99.deg. soluble in water, alcohol acetone acetic ether etc. slightly soluble in chloroform. It was proved to be identical with prunasine due to above characteristics and determination of Benzal-dehyde HCN and glucose respectively which was obtained on hydrolysis of this glycoside with emulsine.
