高分子物質의 熱分解에 關한 硏究 (第4報) Polyethylene 및 Polypropylene의 熱分解에 關하여

On the Pyrolysis of Polymers IV. Pyrolysis of Polythylene and Polypropylene

  • 발행 : 19630600


Pyrolysis fo polyethylene and polypropylene has been studied in order to clarify the mechanism of chain scission and effect of oxygen on degradation. Rate of weight decrease was measured under nitrogen and air atmosphere at constant temperature for the samples of high density polyethylene, low density polyethylene and isotactic polypropylene, and then gaseous hydrocarbons produced from pyrolysis were analysed by gas chromatography. Although there is little substantial difference between composition of hydrocarbon gases from pyrolysis of high density polyethylene and low density polyethylene except some difference in quantity of total gas produced, gas composition from polypropylene pyrolysis differs from that of polyethylene pyrolysis. Gases from pyrolysis under air contain much more unsaturated hydrocarbons than those from pyrolysis under inert gas.



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