Studies on the Cellular Metabolism in Microorganisms as Influenced by Gamma-irradiation.(II) - On the Respiration Rate and Dehydrogenase Actibity in Yeast Cells Irradiated by $\gamma$-ray.

미생물의 세포생리에 미치는 전이방사선의 영향에 관한 연구 (제 2보) - 효모균의 산소호흡기및 탈수소효소능에 대한 $\gamma$-ray 의 영향

  • 김종협 (원자력연구소생물학연구실)
  • Published : 1967.10.01


Kim, Jong Hyup, (Div. of Biology, Atomic Energy Research Institute.) Studies on the Cellular Metabolism in Microorganisms as influenced by Gamma-irradiation(II). On respiration rate and dehydrogenase activity of yeast cells irradiated by gamma ray from cobalt-60. 1. Oxygen uptake rate of the gamma irraiated yeast cells had been measured with Warburg's manometer, and the $O_{2}$-uptake was compared with those of normal cells. The rate of endogetious respiration increases in its $O_2$-uptake at 150, 000 rentgen dose, and at higher rentoen doses it was decreased. Exogenous respiration begin to decrease in its O_2$-uptake at 5, 000r. doses of irradiation, further decrease with increasing of doses unproportionally. 2. It appears that plasma-membrane and nuclear membrane of yeast cells have changed and denatured by gamma-irradiation, as exogenous respiration of glucose had been decreased at a dose of 200, 000r's irradiation. 3. The activity of glucose, alcoholic, lactic, succinic and glutamic deliydrogenase (G.D.H., A.D.H., L.D.H., S.D.11., and GL.D.H.) in the gamma irradaited cells had been assayed by T.T.C.(Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) method and spectrophotometry, the obtained results were compared with those of normal cells. 4. At a dose of and 10, 000 rentgens' irradiation of gamma ray, the activty of each debydrogenase (G.D.H., A.D.H., L.D.H., ) shows a sharp and highest peak in optical absorbalicy, but each abtivity of S.D.H and Gl.D.H shows its' maximum peak at a dose of 30, 000r. 5. The curve of each dehydrogenase activity was found to be rhythmical according to dose-rate of gamma irradiation. 6. Comparing with activity of debydrogenase each other, the maximum peak in optical absorbency can be arranged according to order as follows; glucose > alcoholoic > lactic > glutamic > succinic, this order is identical to the order of breakdown utility in respiration of normal yeast cells. 7. The activity of dehydrogenase experimented exhibit a resistance against gamma irradiation at lethal dose of cells, and the activity of dehydrogenase are found to be much resistant than those of respiratory system. We may assume that the membrane substrate of mitochondria or cytoplasm had been destructed by gamma-irradiation much more than that of dehydronase system.
