Plastic Coating에 의(依)한 사과의 저장연구(貯藏硏究)

Studies on the Preservation of Apples by Plastic Film Coating

  • 발행 : 1970.06.30


A new method of plastic film coating has been investigated to extend storage life of apples. The film coating was effected by dipping fresh apples in a plastic emulsion. The effect of plastic film coating on the preservation of freshness, respiratory activities and chemical components during storage, has been investigated on four leading varieties of apples. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The effect of film coating on storage life of apples was apparent, resulting in delay of after-ripening, shriveling, softening or physiological impediment as well as reducing consumption of reserve materials and waste fruits. 2. Change in the partial pressure of gas, i.e., increase in carbon dioxide and decrease in oxygen in apple tissue was resulted by the plastic film coating, suggesting that the film deposited on the fruit interfered with the diffusion of gases formed therein. 3. The effects of plastic film coating on the fruit storage varied with the type of plastic emulsions, coating temperature, varieties of apples and degree of fruit ripening. As regard to apple varieties, good results were obtained with PVA 217 for both American Summer Pearmain and Jonathan, and PVC 443 for McIntosh. 4. Reduction in the diminution rates of L-malic acid, ascorbic acid and soluble pectin etc. during storage of apples may account for the improved storage life of the fruits treated with plastic films.
