일본뇌염의 역학적 조사연구 I. 돼지에 있어서 일본뇌염의 항체조사와 유사산 피해조사

Studies on Epizootiological Survey of Japanese Encephalitis in Swine I. The Survey on HI Antibody and Abortion and Stillbirth of J.E. Virus in Swine

  • 발행 : 1970.12.05


Studies were conducted on the survey of HI antibody abortion and stillbirth from J.E. virus in swine for 1968-1969 in Korea HI antibody against J.E. virus showed postive in June or July and reached 80~100 percent of postive in August or September and J.E. virus strains were isolated from the brain material of the aborted piglets.
