Study on the analgesic Effect of Salicylamide and Combined with some Parasymptholytics and Serveral Antihistaminics

부교감신경차단제(副交感神經遮斷劑) 및 항(抗)Histamine제(劑)의 배합기여(配合技與)가 Salicylamide의 진통작용(鎭痛作用)에 미치는 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1971.11.20


Comparative studies were made on the analgesic effect of salicylamide, used individually and combined with parasympatholytics (propantheline and atropine) and antihistaminics (tripelennamine, diphenhydramine) as regards the analgesic effect (in thermal contact method) were examined by its oral administration with each combined drug to mouse (three assumption cross-over test), and the following effects were found. 1. The increasing order of the parasympatholytics to the analgesic effect of salicylamide is as follows: propantheline>atropine. 2. The increasing order of the antihistaminics to the analgesic effect of salicylamide is as follows: chlorpheniramine>diphenhdramine>tri pelennamine. In the ratio '1 : 1' salicylamide to parasympatholytics and antihistaminics, the analgesic effect of salicylamide was more increase than the other ratio in this study.
