사부분류(史部分類)의 제문제(諸問題) -주(主)로 관련(關聯)된 제류속간(諸類屬間)의 분류한계(分類限界)에 치중(置重)하여-

Problems concerning Classification of Historical Part of Four Category Classification Scheme

  • 천혜봉 (성균관대학교 도서관학과)
  • Chon, Hye-Bong (Dept. of Library Science, Sung Kyun Kwan University)
  • 발행 : 1972.12.30


Nowadays, the studies of Orientalogy and Koreanalogy have been developed remarkably. Consequently, the works of commentaries, criticism, translations and the various studies on the matter have been published in quantities. It is also expected that there will be much progress on the above mentioned fields of learning in the future. In this situation, the paper is intended for the professional librarians serving in the field to be familiar with the classification of historical part of the traditional Four Category Classification Scheme (四部分類法). The following topics are mainly dealt with. 1) Studying the origins and characters of classification of historical part of the classification Scheme. 2) Comparing the correlations of division and section of historical part as well as those of other parts of the classification scheme. 3) Explaining the limitation of classification relating to others while presenting the examples to aid for understanding. 4) Giving the principal knowledge on the practice of classification. 5) Attempting for the librarians to make literatures more easily usable among the various systematized bibliographies.
