Effect of Forced Oral Administration of Excessive Tap water on the Water Content and Histological Changes of Some Muscles of Korean Cattle

강제급수(强制給水)가 우근육(牛筋肉)의 함수율(含水率)과 조직학적성상(組織學的性狀)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Choi, H.I. (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hong, B.W. (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1972.04.30


Experimental studies on the water content of muscles and the histological changes of muscles, digestive tract and kidney, influenced by forced oral administration of excessive tap water, were performed by using 10 Korean bulls. Experimental animals were divided into two groups, five heads for test group and five for control group. All of the bulls used in this experiment were weighing between 250 kg and 300 kg and 3 and 4 years of age. In each test animal, a total of 140 litters of tap water was passed in the forestomach by means of catheterization within 12 to 18 hours. And each of them was slaughtered immediately after the animals showing symptoms of respiratory distress. In control group, the animals were allowed to drink tap water normally. From test and control animals after slaughter, each 10 gm of M. biceps femoris, M. satorius, M. adductor, M. gluteous supercialis, M. iliocostalis lumborum, and M. transversus costarum were taken from definite parts in order to measure water content. In the histopathological studies tissues of rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum, duodenum, colon and kidney were taken as wall as the above mentioned muscles. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Increase of water content in the muscles of test group were 4.6% in M. satorius, 4.24% in M. transversus costarum, 4.14% in M. gluteous supercialis, 4.02% in M. adductor, 3.88% in M. biceps femoris, and 2.46% in M. iliocostalis lumborum respectively. The highest increase was found in M. satorius and the lowest in M. iliocostalis lumborum. 2. In test animal, average increasing value of water content in muscles was 3.9% and shown highly significant (p<0.01). 3. On the microscopical findings of carcass, marked watery edema was observed all of the subcutaneous tissues and intermuscular connective tissues. 4. Microscopically, the epimysium, perimysium and endomysium were widened, and the muscle fibers were lacerated. The cells of stratum lucidum in the epithelium of rumen and reticulum were shown marked vacuolization. In the kidney, dilatation of Bowman's spaces and proximal tubles was observed.
