수도갈색엽고병(Fusarium nivale)의 동정

Identification of Fusarium leaf spot(Fusarium nivale) newly reported In Korea

  • Kwon Shin Han (Applied Genetics Lab., Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Song Hi Sup (Applied Genetics Lab., Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Sohn Cheong Yeol (Applied Genetics Lab., Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Yamakuchi Tomio (National Institute of Agricultural Science, Japan)
  • 발행 : 1973.09.01


새로운 수도품종통일에 발생하는 갈색엽고병 유사증상을 발견하여 그 병반에서 병원균을 분리하여 그 형태를 조사하였으며 분생포자, 병반상에 형성하는 자남, 자남포자의 기재를 타연구자를의 문헌과 비교한 결과, 이는 일본에서도 보고된 바 있는 갈색엽고병임이 확인되었으며 병원균이 Fusarium nivale로 동정되었다. 또한 포장조건하에서는 본병은 다질소구에서 그 발생이 현저히 많았음을 관찰하였고, 본균의 생육적온은 $24^{\circ}C$였다.

From the new rice variety Tong-il, disease symptoms similar to Fusarium leaf spot reported in Japan was observed in Korea. Causal organism was isolated and identified as Fusarium nivale causing Fusarium leaf spot through the study of conidia shape, ascus formation on diseased spot, and ascospore. These results also showed good agreement with that of other investigators. Under the field condition, marked occurrence of this disease has observed by heavy nitrogen application. The optimum temperature for the growth of this fungus was $24^{\circ}C$.
