A Nutritional Study on Various Defatted Oil-Seed Flours and Mixtures

각종(各種) 탈지박(脫脂粕)의 영양가(營養價)에 대(對)하여

  • 박원옥 (삼양식품공업주식회사 식품연구소) ;
  • 성낙응 (삼양식품공업주식회사 식품연구소)
  • Published : 1974.09.28


The present study was undertaken to investigate the nutritive value of various defatted oil-seed flours in the diet by studying the effect of alternative diets on growing rats, to attention growth, food intake, weight of organs and the levels of total cholesterol, phospholipid and triglyceride in serum and liver tissue. Sixty male Albino rats (Splague Dowley) weighing 47-55 g were divided into five experimental groups and one control group of ten each, and were fed for 24 weeks with the respective diets. Each of five different diets was supplemented with defatted flours as dietary protein sources. Four of other diets were composed of 7.5 sesame seed, rapeseed, sunflower seed and cottonseed flour respectively, with the same amount of defatted soybean flour, while the fifth diet tested was prepared with 15% soybean flour. The results of this study were as follows. 1) It was noteworthy that the five defatted oilseed flour diets demonstrated much improvement of nutritive value. Sesame seed flour and sunflower seed flour, especially appeared to be worthwhile as human foods. 2) From the results of biochemical tests of the serum and liver lipid content of Albino rats, after feeding with the respective diets, it can be concluded that, from a nutritional point of view, the toxic effects of oilseed flours like rapeseed and cottonseed flour, which contain toxic substances, are reduced when they are mixed with soybean flour.

체중(體重) $47g{\sim}60g$되는 이유직후(離乳直後)의 흰쥐(Splague Dowley) 수컷 60마리를 사용(使用)하여 식이중(食餌中) 단백급원(蛋白給源)을 바꾸어 탈지유(脫脂乳), 대두박(大豆粕), 참깨박(粕), 채종박(菜種粕), 해바라기씨박(粕), 면실박(棉實粕)을 각각 24주간(週間) 투여(投與)하는 동안, 체중(體重)의 변화(變化), 장기중량(臟器重量) 변화(變化), 혈청(血淸) 및 간(肝) 조직내(組織內) 구성지질중(構成脂質中) Cholesterol, Phospholipid, Triglyceride를 정량(定量) 비교(比較) 관찰하였다. 1) 각종(各種) 유종실박중(油種實粕中) 단백질(蛋白質)은 대두박(大豆粕)과 혼용(混用)함으로써 기(其) 질적(質的)인 향상(向上)을 엿볼수 있었으며, 특(特)히 참깨박(粕)과 해바라기씨박(粕)은 식용(食用)으로서 권장할 수 있다고 사료(思料)된다. 2) 채종박(菜種粕)과 면실박(綿實粕) 같이 이미 독성성분(毒性成分)의 함유(含有)가 문제(問題)된 박(粕)에 있어서도, 실험동물(實驗動物)의 혈청(血淸) 및 간(肝) 조직내(組織內) 지방성분(脂肪成分) 함량(含量) 변화(變化)로 보아, 독성작용(毒性作用)은 인정(認定)할 수 없었으며, 이후 더 많은 검토(檢討)가 필요(必要)하다고 사료(思料)된다.
