농촌영양실태(農村營養實態)와 임상(臨床)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) (II)

A survey of the state of nutrition & the clinic in Rural Korea

  • 이금영 (전북대학교 문리대 의예과)
  • Lee, Geum-Yeong (Dept. of Premedical course College of Arts & Natural science Chon-Puk National University)
  • 발행 : 1974.04.30


1) 시범(示範)이나 비교부락민(比較部落民)들의 생활정도(生活程度)가 저조(低調)하고 또 비슷하므로 영양섭취상태(營養攝取狀態)도 특별한 차(差)없이 비슷하다. 2) 도내시범부락(道內示範部落)이면서 두 부락(部落) 공(共)히 미곡채소(米穀菜蔬) 등의 식물성열원(植物性熱源)에서 탈피하지 못한 전통적(傳統的)인 식생활양식(食生活樣式)이기는 하되 가족계획(家族計劃)에는 비교적(比較的) 관심(關心)이 커서 $1{\sim}4$ 재층(才層)의 어린이수(數)가 예상외로 적은 것 같다. 가족계획(家族計劃)도 계속(繼續) 추진(推進)하면서 지방식대치(脂肪食代置)도 서둘러야 하겠다. 3) 생활수준(生活水準)이 저조(低調)하므로 생활유지상(生活維持上) 매일 과중(過重)한 노동(勞動)이 지속(持續)되고 식물성식품(植物性食品) 위주인 일상생활(日常生活)로 Fe를 다량(多量) 섭취(攝取)했던들 Hb 형성(形成) (erythrocyte)에지장(支障)을 초래(招來)하여 대부분의 주민(住民)들은 빈혈증(貧血症)이 많고 Ewha 나 Seoul Medical 의 연구결과(硏究結果)에 비(比)하면 현저(顯著)하게 뒤져 있으므로 식물성(植物性) 고급단백질(高級蛋白質)의 섭취(攝取)를 위한 식생활개선(食生活改善)이 시급히 요망(要望)된다.

1. As the low standard of living of the people who live in both the model and compared villages, is almose similar to each other, the state of their food intaking has nearly the same degree. 2. The villagers of the two kinds of village mentioned above do not cast off their traditional eating habits getting an energy from rice and vegetarian diet. They, however, have been so much interested in the problem of birth control that they have a few children in less than four-year-old. We have to go on the problems of driving a reasonable family plan, and replacing the traditional food life by taking a fatty food. 3. Their pool life forces them to have an over work for supporting their family. Even though they take much Fe from grains and vegetables day after day, Fe does not give a great influence on making Hb (Erythrocyte) in a body. Accordingly most of them have developed symptoms of anemia. This research, comparing with the research results of Ewha University and Seoul Medical College shows much lack of Hb. So it is need for them to take a large quantity of animal protain and make a healthful habit by reforming their food life.
