Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 1
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- Pages.17-30
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- 1974
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
지역사회를 위한 정보봉사에 관한 일연구-대학도서관을 중심으로
As a society rapidly advances in technology and industry, various demands for information arc increasing and becoming more specialized than every before. The college library can no longer restrict its service to the people or, the campus alone. There is no fundamental change in its place on a college campus, but it has an additional role to play: to meet the demands for information from the community outside of the campus. Thyre is no denying that there are public libraries meant to serve the comnlunity and some small spacialized libraries to support certain institutions. But it is also well known that these libraries are inadequate to satisfy the demands for information in a highly diversified and specialized soceity of today largely due to lack of facilities, funds. and personnel. Under these circdmstances, it is almost imperative that the college library open its door to the community. It was attempted in the article to point out the nccds of cooperation between the college library and the community for economic and intellectual advancement on thc campus and in the community. Various ways of making the college library available to the community werc also discussed.