Studies on Unutilized Plant Resources(I) -Components of Wild Edible Plants-

미이용(未利用) 식물자원(植物資源)의 연구(硏究)(I) -식용(食用) 야초(野草)의 성분(成分)에 관하여-

  • Kim, Tae-Hee (College of Pharmacy, Sook Myung Women's University)
  • Published : 1975.03.15


To evaluate nutritional values and to detect pharmacologically active and antibacterial components of wild edible plants in Korea, 20 species were examined. 1) The essential free amino acid compositions of these plants were determined by TLC. The plants contained threonine, leucine, valine and methionine. 2) In antibacterial tests of 17 species the plants Hemerocallis sp. and Plantago asiatica showed an antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Eschericia, and Salmonella species. 4) Rutin. quercitrin, $k\ddot{a}mpferol$, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid were also identified.
