Studies on the Amylase Produced by Candida muscorum

Candida muscorum의 Amylase에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1975.12.28


This experiment were carried out to investigate the conditions of amylase produced by Candida muscorum in wheat bran cultures and the properties of its amylase (crude enzyme). The results obtained were as follows. 1. The optimum conditions for amylase production in wheat bran cultures were; water content 75 percent, temperature $25^{\circ}C$ and incubation time 4-7 days. 2. The production of amylase was increased about 20 percent in the medium added 0.5 percent of ammonium sulfate or ammonium chloride to wheat bran, but the production of those was decreased in the case of addition of nitrates. 3. No significant effect was found in the case of the addition of carbon source on the production of amylase. 4. The properties of liquefying amylase of the selected strain were; the optimum pH 4.2, the optimum temperature $60-65^{\circ}C$, the stable pH 3.2-6.8 and the stable heating (for 15 minutes heating) below $65^{\circ}C$. 5. The properties of saccharifying amylase of the selected strain were; the optimum pH 4.5, the optimum temperature $55^{\circ}C$, the stable pH 3.8-6.2 and the stable heating (for 15 minutes heating) below $45^{\circ}C$.

분리보존중(分離保存中)인 Candida muscorum의 밀기울 고체배양(固體培養)에 있어서의 amylase 생성조건(生成條件)과 그 amylase(조효소(粗酵素))의 성질(性質)에 대(對)하여 검토(檢討)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 밀기울 고체배양(固體培養)에 있어서 amylase의 최적생산조건(最適生産條件)은 가수량(加水量) 75%, 배양온도(培養溫度) $25^{\circ}C$, 배양기간(培養期間) $4{\sim}7$일(日)이었다. 2. 밀기울에 ${(NH_4)}_2SO_4$$NH_4Cl$을 0.5% 첨가(添加)한 배지(培地)에서는 액화효소(液化酵素) 및 당화효소(糖化酵素)의 생성(生成)이 약(約) 20% 증가(增加)되었으며, $NO_3$태질소화합물(態窒素化合物) 첨가배지(添加培地)에서는 효소(酵素) 생성(生成)이 저해(沮害)되었다. 3. Amylase 생성(生成)에 있어서 탄소원(炭素原) 첨가효과(添加效果)는 없었다. 4. 실험균주(實驗菌株)의 액화효소(液化酵素)의 작용최적(作用最適) pH는 4.2, 작용최적온도(作用最適溫度)는 $60{\sim}65^{\circ}C$, 안정(安定) pH 범위(範圍)는 $3.2{\sim}6.8$, 내열성(耐熱性)은 $65^{\circ}C$이하(以下)(15분간(分間) 처리(處理))이었다. 5. 실험균주(實驗菌株)의 당화효소(糖化酵素)의 작용최적(作用最適) pH는 4.5, 작용최적온도(作用最適溫度)는 $55^{\circ}C$, 안정(安定) pH범위(範圍)는 $3.8{\sim}6.2$, 내열성(耐熱性)은 $45^{\circ}C$이하(以下)(15분간(分間) 처리(處理))이었다.
