Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 2
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- Pages.1-21
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- 1975
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
각국 대학도서관 장서구성기준의 비교고찰-기준범위의 모형정립을 위한 비교분석
Thc purposc of this .study is for ri~aking a model of building a library collcction dcnizn~cd on th.3 curriculum through thc inter-comparison of 15 standards for collcgc ant1 anivcrsily libraries in 5 countries (U. S. A.. Great Ikitain, Canada, Japan, and Icorca) Thc rcsult of thcscl colnpsrisons is as follow.. (1) Qu;~nlitalivc scope: of thc cull(:ction: (r/ Standards for a minimal collcction arc presented to about 100,000 vols (20-30 vols per student) for a ncw university and about 40,000 vols (40 vols pcr studcnt) for a nrnr collcge.