Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 2
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- Pages.61-77
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- 1975
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
대학도서관에 있어서의 시스팀 분석기법 응용에 관한 연구-장서의 성장률을 중심으로
As a reforming work of university education, pilot schools appearing in cach university. In spite of making ;in cffort to csl;lblish the position as university, some of its libraries arc n hindrance to csccllent studies yet. For the most of univcrsity libraries do nct come to the Standard Degree for Establishment of Coll~gc and Univcrsitp. this t h x i s aims to make plans for reaching it after analyzing the current syskms of the cnsc-studies bctwccn "I(" 1.Tnivei-sity and "S" 1Vonic:n's Univcrsity. Hut the obsolcsccnce ratc of books are equal to thc growth rate of them by othcr theses, wc shall maintain two tinlcs the growth rate of coming to thc Standard Dcgrcc for Establishlncnt of College and University. If thcy want to incrcasc library materials, all of them must apply to the niodcl of growth ratc by thc author. ratc by thc author.