현행(現行) 죽재결속법(竹材結束法)의 적정분석(適正分析)과 그의 개선(改善) - 결속구성인자(結束構成因子)의 분석(分析)을 중심(中心)으로 -

A Study on the Validity of Bamboo-Bundle System and its Improvement - Analysis of the Component Factors of Bamboo-Bundle System -

  • Lee, Kwang-Nam (College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University)
  • 투고 : 1975.01.10
  • 발행 : 1975.03.30


The importance of bamboo as raw material for bamboo wares and several kinds of industrial products is highly appreciated at home and abroad. But different kinds of bamboo-bundle systems have been traditionally used in the local areas. There being no reasonable bamboo-bundle system, we have a lot of difficulty in trading bamboo products and executing adrinistmative works. Therefore, a reasonable bamboo-bundle system based on scientific proofs needs to be tested and established for fair trade and administration. This study is carried out to solve the above difficulty with statistical investigation and analysis. The results obtained are as follows. 1. The larger the circles at eye-height become, the more the possibility of the largest internode covering the span between eye-height and 1/4 height increases. 2. The longest internodes are distributed according to a rule without relation to circles at eye-height. 3. The tapering grade of bamboo culms is very high and its form is almost the same without relation to its size. (Form exponent; 0.71-1.05, eye-height form factor; 0.60-0.66, 1/4 becomes, seeing that the circle grade and the percentage of actual volume height form factor; 0.61-0.69). 4. The larger the circles at eye-height are, the lower the percentage of actual volume have negative curve relation to each other. 5. It is considered that the numbers of bamboos bundled in a "Sok" is not decided according to the usefulness of bamboos, judging from the fact that the outputs of bamboo wares per "Sok" in every circle grade are not the same. 6. As the results of the regression analysis, the empirical formulae of several amounts to circles at eye-height and culm length are as follows; Volume, $${\hat{y}}_i=\bar{3}.821874+2.013181log\;C_i+0.839128log\;H_i$$ $$V=0.0066355\;C^{2.013181}\;H^{0.839128}$$ Actual volume, $${\hat{y}}_{ai}=3.915338+0.776549log\;C_i+1.857000log\;H_i$$ $$V_a=0.0082288\;C^{0.776549}\;H^{1.857000}$$ Weight, $$w_i=3.869148+1.936410log\;C_i+0.566904log\;H_i$$ $$W=0.0073986\;G^{1.936410}\;H^{0.565904}$$ 7. Korean Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. et Zucc. is almost the same as that of Japan in several amounts, just the same especially in the weight. 8. It is found that the bamboo-bundle systems of Korea and Japan have much closer relation to the weight than other amounts. So It is, therefore, considered that the weight is important factor in deciding bamboo-bundle system. 9. According to the item 8, I should like to propose the appropriate numbers per "Sok" adjusted on the basis of the weight in the Table 18.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 문교부