Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 3
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- Pages.51-78
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- 1976
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
미국 대학도서관 이용지도의 발달
Since educating all students in learning how to learn and iic\il- to adapt thernselves to the changing society is the most desirable of education in the modern world, it is necessary that the library hc:one an increasingly important part of the students' learng activities. The development of the desire and necessary skills to seek mi! to acquire lino~vledge should be encouraged and planned by the acac:e:liic library. The effective instruction in the use of academic lihra1.1.- can provide the students with the cspxbility to carry on their own icL,i.!nal education through their life. This paper is to make a brief trace of the development of liGl-ary instruction in American universities and colleges oiyer the decades, providing the overview of many successful components of saxe representative projects and experiments, from which to clarify coi~in;on problems and principles involl-ed in them. Any one of standard approaches so far identified has turned o:lt to be not a perfect method in that each has its own merits and pl-oblcms. It may be that the process of analysis and evaluation is 1-aluab!e for better comprehensive perspectives in future program of the instr~iction in the use of academic libraries. An effort is sincerely made to giie an impetus to the recogrriiivn of the importance of library instruction in Korean academic .yorid to meet the urgent needs of the modern society.