Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 3
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- Pages.79-88
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- 1976
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
고려의 관학과 효경
In Ecorea Lrynasty, the authority all officers a compulsary obligatic.~ to learn the Nyo-I~.'z~\ulcorneruzngd er the custody of a super1 iscr o; Letters wino -1 a\ulcorner the ~ejponsible officer to train ci~ril senants. The Nyo-Kjli ilg was possible to interpret the pious love of ci I illans to the~re lders as a mutual ethics between the parental ber~ec;~lc nce and the filial piety of inferiors which n-as far superior to the traditional cthic; that was laid on an firm obligation of inieri~rs to tEei:- elders. The filial piety as a lovc for elders mean2 a mutual harrn~n:a~n d show\ulcorner a berieiolent conduct as an influence of a political morality. Thc heaer-o!erLt conduct was developed as a political morality of Confucius originated from the filial piety of Confucius based on a moral policj . Such a kenerolent conduct is to become a main spring to effect a mutual tie betn-een the king and his people as a national system of the Confucian theory. In i*