Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 3
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- Pages.89-109
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- 1976
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
미국공공도서관의 봉사활동에 미친 연방정부의 역할에 관한 고찰-LSA와 LSCA를 중심으로
In modern times, it has been a most imporant problem for the community to make nation's information resources a\-ailable to all the people ~vithf ree and even access. In Nelson Associate's National platz for library service appeared in 1948, 50 million Americans were served by public libraries with inadequate service and 35 million have had no library service. Library Services Act signed bq- President Eisenhower in 1956 was a result of continuous efforts of AL.1 for 20 years. It aimed to extend public library service to rural population less than ten thousands. LSA was succeeded by LSCA in 1964 and continued with several amendments so far. 620 million dollars of Federal funds were put into local library administrati1.e agencies during 1957-1974 for the extension of library service and construction of library buildings. Federal funds also encouraged local library administrative agencies to ha\-e more interest in library and information service and carry out their own library programs. However, there are many current problems in Amierican pubic libraries still now, that is, uneven growth of public libraries, uneven distribution of information resources, inadequate library service to a large part of population, insufficient supply of library funds, lack of nationwide library network beyond local admini-strative jurisdictions and so on. National Advisory Commission on Libraries, Committee on Libraries, National Conference of Library and Inforination Science are results of government efforts to meet those problems and carry out effecti1.e nation's library policies. In other part, Congress authorized to open the White House Conference on Library and Information Science before 1978 to make a reco:nn:endation fostering the library use. It is expected that the elected President Carter will put more efforts in developing library and information services, for LSA and LSCA were mainly pushed ahead by Democratic Party. In conclusion I could find some factors through these analysis that would be of some help to develop nation's library and information services, especially in developing countries.