韓國産 기름종개 魚類의 1新種, Cobitis longicor pus에 關하여

Cobitis longicorpus, a New Cobitid Fish form Korea

  • Ik Soo Kim (Dept. of Biology, College of Education, Jeonbug National University) ;
  • Ki Chul Choi (Dept. of Biology, College of Education, Seoul National University) ;
  • Teodor T. Nalbant (Central Biological Institute, Bucuresti, Rumania)
  • 발행 : 1976.12.01


우리나라 南海岸으로 流入되는 蟾津江의 上中流에서 흔히 採集되는 Cobitis의 模斑型은 지금까지 기름종개 Cobitis taenis Linne라고 하였으나 本屬의 種區分에 있어 重要한 檢索基準인 수컷 가슴지느러미 基部에 2次 性徵으로 出現하는 骨質盤을 비롯하여 體測斑紋과  蓋後部의 1黑色斑點等이 本屬 旣知種과는 顯著한 差異를 보이므로 本種을 Cobitis longicor pus로 記載하고 韓國名으로는 왕종개로 提唱한다.

A new species of Cobitid fish, Cobitis longicorpus is described, based upon many specimens from several tributaries of the Seomjin River situated in the south western part in Korea. Cobitis longicorpus was previously reported as the crossband type of C. taenia by all ichthyologists in Korea. This is distributed in the Seomjin River and characterized by the distinctive cross-band color pattern, the black spots at the back of its opercula, and the structure of lamina circularis in male.
