한국산 Rhodopseudomonas palustris에 관한 연구

Studies on Rhodopesudomonas palustris in Korea

  • 김경식 (성균관대학교 이공대학 생물학과) ;
  • 이현순 (성균관대학교 이공대학 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1976.12.01


Twenty one strains of Rhodopseudomonas palustris from 7 different regions in Korea have been isolated and identified on the basis of Bergey's Manual in order to study their regional variation. They can use fructose as carbon source (or hydrogen donor). Capacity to produce molecular hydrogen during photosynthesis was tested using liquid medium, modified by omission of $NH_4Cl$ and addition of L0glutamic acid. As nitrogen source nitrate can be used, and isopropanol can be used as hydrogen donor. their pH ranges are 5.9 - 9.1. Their growth are inhibited in the medium that contains 100 units of penicillin G/ml. as for the growing test in dark aerobic condition, the period needed for adptation is longer than that of Korea strain of Rhodopseudomonas gelatinosa.
