서울시내 시장에서 채집한 채소류에 부착된 기생충 조사

A survey of parasites found on vegetables collected from several markets in Seoul City.

  • 발행 : 1976.04.01


Korea Parasite Eradication Association alleged in its seasonal report spring/1975 that 36.8 percent of primary, middle and high school students in Seoul area are infected with parasites. For the purpose of a comparative study between the high rate of parasite infection among Korean students and that of parasite eggs attached to vegetables which perform intermediary role in carrying the eggs to human body, such vegetables as lettuce, Korean cabbage, young radish, green onion, cabbage which are on sale at several markets in Seoul city are sampled at random for study. The infection rate of parasitic eggs and larvae on vegetables is studied twice while the detaching mean while removing rate of eggs and larvae in proportion to the number of washing them is studied three times. Every 300 grams of vegetables is taken at random for examination and every one of them is washed with a hard brush and then the kinds of parasite eggs and the ratio of eggs attached to them are studied.
