Studies on "IKUTON" Fermented Sweet Potato Starch Pulp for Growing-Finnishing Swine Ration

IKUTON" 발효(醱酵) 고구마 전분박(澱粉粕)의 양돈사료(養豚飼料) 대체(代替)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1976.12.31


Study was conducted to estimate the nutritional effect of substitution levels of "IKUTON" (R) inocculate fermented sweet potato pulp for the growing-finnishing pig rations. Twenty five Large white X Landrace cross-breed (15 kg). mixed sex were used in group feeding at the substitution levels of 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40%. The results obtained were summarized as follow: Voluntary feed intake of experimental diets was lowest in 40%. No significant difference in voluntary feed intake was found in 10,20, and 30% levels except 40% P<0.05). The feed efficiency was highest in 20%; (3.43), 30%; (3.80), 10%; (3.97), control; (4.53), and 40%; (4.20) respectively. There was tendency toward increasing feed effioiency in 10,20,30% levels than control. However, the lowest feed efficiency was found in 40% level. The weeks required to gain 80 kg of live weight were 12 weeks for 10%, 13 weeks for control. 14 weeks for 20%, and 30%, but in 40% level of substitution, no 80kg live weight was found up to the end of experiment (15 weeks). Pigs in 40% level were gained live weight only 64% of control animals. The digestibility of experimental diets was 75.2-78.5%, and water intake per kg dry matter intake was $1.95-2.01{\ell}$. No significant effects of feed offer interval to the digestibility and water consumption.

IKUTON 발효(醱酵) 고구마 전분박(澱粉粕)의 농후사료대축수준(濃厚飼料代蓄水準) 調査하기 위하여 Large Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc Jersey 삼품종(三品種) 교잡종(交雜種) 25두(頭)를 공시(供試)하여 농후사료(濃厚飼料)를 급여(給與)한 대조구(對照區)와 IKUTON 발효(醱酵) 고구마 전분박(澱粉粕) 10%, 20%, 30% 및 40%를 대치한 5개처리구(個處理區)를 완전임의배치(完全任意配置)하여 시험(試驗)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 사료섭취량(飼料攝取量)은 40% 구(區)를 제외(除外)한 기타(其他)의 각처리구(各處理區)에서는 대조구(對照區)에 비(比)하여 유의적(有意的) (P<0.05)인 차이(差異)를 인정(認定)할 수 없었으며 40% 이상(以上)의 대체수준(代替水準)에서 사료섭취량(飼料攝取量)이 감소(減少)되고 있었다. 사료효율(飼料效率)은 20% 구(區); 3.43, 30% 구(區); 3.80, 10% 구(區) 3.97, 40% 구(區); 4.20, 0% 구(區0; 4.53의 순(順)으로 대조구(對照區)에 비(比)하여 높은 사료효율(飼料效率)을 나타내고 있었다. 증체량과 80kg 도달주수(到達週數)는 10% 구(區); 12주(週), 0%구(區); 13주(週), 20% 및 30%구(區)가 14주(週)였고 40%구(區)는 15주(週)까지도 80kg에 도달(到達)치 못하고 있었으며 대조구(對照區)에 비(比)하여 64%의 증체밖에 되지 않었다. 시험사료(試驗飼料)의 소화율(消化率)은 75.2~87.5%였으며 급수율(給水率)은 사료섭취(飼料攝取) 1kg당(當) $1.95-2.01{\ell}$로 되고 있어 사료급여회수(飼料給與回數)는 소화율(消化率)과 급수율(給水率)에 아무런 영향을 주지 않었다.
