Notes on Korean Higher Fungi (II)

한국고등균류기(韓國高等菌類記) (II)

  • Published : 1977.11.30


Several fungi were collected at Mt. Sobaek, Andong and Euisung the period from 1974 to 1976. These fungi were identified and results are as followingj Lipophyllum fallax (Peck.) $K{\ddot{u}}hn$ et Romagn. Armillariella tabescens (Scop. ex Fr.) Sing., Crepidotus subphaerosporus (Lange) $K{\ddot{u}}hn$. et Romagn., Stereum hiugense Imaz., Coprinus radians (Desm.) Fr., Hygrophorus suzukaensis Hongo and Xylaria carpophila (Pers.) Fr. were listed newly by authors in Korea.

1974년(年)부터 1976년(年)까지 소백산(小白山), 안동(安東), 의성(義城)(고운사(孤雲寺))에서 채집(採集)한 고등균류(高等菌類)를 동정(同定)한 결과(結果), 한국미기록종(韓國未基錄種)은 다음과 같다. Lypophyllum fallax (Peck.) $K{\ddot{u}}hn$, et Romagn. 황토색만가닥버섯, Armillariella tabescens (Scop. ex Fr.) Sing. 미류나무버섯, Crepidotus subphaerosporus (Lange) $K{\ddot{u}}hn$. et Romagn. 주걱귀버섯, Crepidotus radians (Desm.) Fr. 노랑먹물버섯, Stereum hiugense Imaz. 털깍지버벗, Hygrophorus suzukaensis Hongo 주홍갓버섯, Xylaria carpophila(Pers.) Fr. 젓가락버섯.
