Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 4
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- Pages.39-60
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- 1977
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
A Study on the Model of Inter-library Cooperation's Network in the Information of Library Materials
정보의 상호협력을 위한 네트웍모형에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to build a model of inter-library cooperation's network in the information of library materials. Results of this study are 1. The YTational Assembly Library and the Central National I, ibrar:; should be unified. 2. The unified organization should be organized its cooperative quarter for itself (in the Central National Library). .And every library should he organized his quarter and personnel for the inter-library cooperation. 3. The cooperatior, organization in the re~ion should organized by the Regional Central Public Library. 4. In case of the Central National Library, financial problems required of the performance in the inter-library cooperation should he charged equally among the Central National Library, the library belong to the reader and the reader. In case of the regional Central Public Library, it should be charged equally arnozlg the regional Central Public Library, the library belon-g' to the reader and the reader. 5. The Regional Central Public Library in the seat of provincial government should be managed the cooperation's work of the individual library, and upward the unified Central Xarional Library should generalize. 6. The purchase of materials should be done by the character of the each library 1r:ith the assignment of the each subject should be decided in the meeting of the each library personne!. -2nd the budget for purchasing per the year should be decided on the minimum by the circumstances of the each library regionally. 7. The unified Regional Central Public Library in the seat of provincial government should be charged of the Union Catalog's expense regionally, and the Central National Library should be charged of that National Union Catalog's expense to cumulative the Fegional Union Catalog within a definite period of time. 8. Books without presentation of a specimen copy to the unified Central National Library should be purchased, and 'oe included to the National Union Catalog. 9. The cooperation of the each library should be decided on the law, and considered the character of the each region.