Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 4
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- Pages.211-236
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- 1977
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Main Entry of Serials
축차간행물의 기본기입선정에 관한 연구
Many have been concerned with the entry of serials in cataloging. Thouzh they believc the form of AACR 6 should be revised, the agreement was not yet reached among them. Whercas some librarians advocate no different entry in cataioging between monographs and serials, some agree that all serials are to be entered under its title. Main arguments are on the concepts of "corporate authorship" and "generic titlc". On account of disagreemefit on these concepts, there appear different ways 9T serials entry in various catalogs or bibliogaphies. Being not clearly defined the concept of "corporate authorship" in Korcan Cltaloging Rules, main cntry of a scrial was quite different either in a few national bibliographies or some universities' catalogs in T a e g ~C ity. In consideration 01 the incompleteness and changing authorship or diffused riuthorship of serials, it is desirable to revise and simplif1, - our czttaloging rules as to all the serials are to be entered under its titlc. This would be in ac.:ord +;ith International Stand~rdso n serials, eg. ISDS and ISBD(S). When a generic term is included in a title, it will not be sn important groblcm as the title mould be usi~ally made up in the form of "corporate name+gcncric term". This is duc to the difference of construction of thc words bciwcen Korean and English languages.ds bciwcen Korean and English languages.